
Php Startup Unable To Load Dynamic Library Php Intl Dll Mac

Php Startup Unable To Load Dynamic Library Php Intl Dll Mac Average ratng: 5,0/5 690 votes
Hi there,
Over time I changed something to apache/php and caused some weird issue. It was not apparent this was happening until web apps started to report suggested plugins were not available...
11.0-RELEASE-p6 FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE-p6 #0 r310492
Apache 2.4.25 via ports
PHP 5.6.29 via ports php56 & php56-extensions
I noticed that some of my php extensions are not loading even though they are listed as built via php -i
If anyone knows their way around this please let me know if there is any quick fixes.
Thanks in advance,
php -i over here http://paste.purplehat.org/view/37490172

/var/log/php_errors.log repeatedly reports the following errors

Content of
# ll /usr/local/lib/php/20131226/

httpd.conf loads the following DSO

Php Startup Unable To Load Dynamic Library Php Intl Dll Machine Learning

Hi there, Over time I changed something to apache/php and caused some weird issue. It was not apparent this was happening until web apps started to report suggested plugins were not available. 11.0-RELEASE-p6 FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE-p6 #0 r310492 Apache 2.4.25 via ports PHP 5.6.29 via ports. Dec 05, 2016 After upgrade to PHP 7.1 i have a problem with loading these two files: PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'C: Program Files PHP v7.1 ext phpsqlsrv7ntsx86.dll' - The specified procedure could not be found. Just to be clear (because I don't see that it is stated), did you check for the existance of phpintl.dll? If it was a path issue, that would impact all of your extensions. Edit: I am using php-5.6.33-Win32-VC11-x86 with that extension enabled.


16-Dec-2019 00:48:30 UTC PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'fileinfo' (tried: C: php ext fileinfo (The specified module could not be found.), C: php ext phpfileinfo.dll (The specified module could not be found.)) in Unknown on line 0 16-Dec-2019 00:48:30 UTC PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library. May 24, 2020 PHP unable to load dynamic library 'phppdooci.dll' I'm running Apache 2.4.7 with PHP 5.5.9 on Windows 8. I installed PHPUnit and this warning image 'warning' started to pop up.

Esta extensión puede ser instalada con la versión que viene incorporada a partir de PHP 5.3.0, o como una extensión PECL disponible desde PHP 5.2.0. En otras palabras, existen dos métodos que permiten instalar la extensión intl.

Se puede encontrar información para la instalación de esta extensión PECLen el capítulo del manual titulado Instalaciónde extensiones PECL. Se puede encontrar información adicional, tal como nuevos lanzamientos,descargas, ficheros fuente, información de mantenimiento, y un CHANGELOG,aquí: » https://pecl.php.net/package/intl.

Alternativamente, --enable-intl habilitará la versión incorporada mientras se compila PHP.

Si su versión de ICU está instalada en un directorio no estándar, podrá especificar su ubicación en la variable de entorno LD_LIBRARY_PATH de manera que el enlazador dinámico pueda localizarlo:

Php Startup Unable To Load Dynamic Library Php Intl Dll Mac Os

De otro modo, si PHP e ICU estuvieran instalados en sus ubicaciones predeterminadas, no haría falta utilizar ninguna opción de configuración adicional.

Php startup unable to load dynamic library php intl dll machine learning
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User Contributed Notes 10 notes

jonwebb at tecbiz dot eu
6 years ago
On windows servers, open your php.ini (which should be in Program Files/PHP), and simply uncomment the extension.
Restart IIS Webserver - done.
jltupac at hotmail dot com
7 years ago
daniel at danielphenry dot com
5 years ago
To install on windows uncommenting the dll in php.ini is not enough you also need to include several other libraries in your system path (not user path). Found these details here: http://stackoverflow.com/a/6086991/819883
hello at scottgruber dot me
4 years ago
For php7 on Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install php7.0-intl
7 years ago
On Fedora 18 'pecl install intl' wasn't working after 'yum -y install icu' so I had to run 'yum -y install php-intl' instead
ahmedelnaa2010 at gmail dot com

Dynamic Library Link

4 years ago
- open your php.ini file c:/xampp/php/php.ini or search how to find it, it's up to your server.
- find for ;extension=php_intl.dll
- remove the comment ;
- restart the apache
- then it's working :)
i used the same when i have problem in any extensions, open php.ini then search for the extension then remove the comment.
2 years ago
For windows I had to uncomment extension=intl in the php.ini
7 years ago
You need to install the library.
yum install libicu-devel
Will get it working with 'pecl install intl'
nirbhabbarat at gmail dot com

Unable To Load Dynamic Library

5 years ago
OS : CentOS 5.10
PHP : 5.5.12
We tried installing via *pecl install intl* , but we were getting below warning in php error logs
PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20121212/intl.so' - /usr/lib64/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.9' not found (required by /usr/local/lib/libicuio.so.55) in Unknown on line 0
Later we tried icu source from http://site.icu-project.org/download
Compile ICU ./configure --prefix=/opt/icu && make && make install
And post which we compiled PHP via source with following configurations:

Php Startup Unable To Load Dynamic Library Php Intl Dll Mac Download

9 years ago
I'm running on Mac OS X using a MacPorts install. According to this page, my vanilla version of PHP 5.3.5 from MacPorts should include the intl functions by default. As far as I can see from phpinfo(), the MacPorts version did not disable it. However, the functions aren't visible and don't work.
It seems to require an additional:
sudo port install php5-intl
After which everything bursts into life.
  • Instalación/Configuración